Featured Contributor:

Beth Lytle


it's overkill -- it's not enough
your sprinkler's going and it's raining
you dump sugar in presweetened tea
driving with your lights on in the middle of the day
and try to feed your starved, dead cat
just about a dollar short and late by way too long
you rise to clear the table when the dishes have been done
add salt before you taste it
you beat the horse (it's comatose)
accelerate, the car's in park
your window's open and the air is going and you're covered in a blanket
what? are you thinking?

© 2000 Beth Lytle

Featured in Friction Magazine, Summer 2000 issue [V2, N3].

Beth Lytle began writing when she was five years old. In fact, a collector's edition of her locally renowned, illustrated sequel to Little Women still occupies a place of honor under her mother's bed. Beth continued her artistic, literary bent through high school, where she served as editor of the yearbook and newspaper for two years. In college, she majored in English, minored in Journalism and Drama; participated in local, community, and professional theatre; and worked on her college newspaper and literary magazine. Beth taught drama, speech, and English in the public school systems in Texas and Kansas for four years before going into "semi-retirement" last year. Although she continues to direct an after-school drama program at a local middle school, she and her husband, Reg, wanted to spend more time together and explore avenues for their creativity in a way that would allow them to work together out of their home. The idea for Creativenue (an online gallery and contest site for artists, writers, and photographers) was born of this goal in mid-March of 2000 and has been a compelling, consuming project of hard work and imagination ever since.

You are cordially invited to visit Beth's labor of love, Creativenue.

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